The one constant that everyone has in common is that everything is swiftly changing. We’re all learning a new lifestyle of social distancing, self-isolation and ever-constant handwashing. None of us ever realized how many times a day we touched our faces until recently and 2019’s stocked shelves of toilet paper and Lysol wipes feels like a distant memory. Some of us are figuring out how to home school our children, while others are learning how to digitally connect for the first time.
Join JFCS for weekly conversations about the challenges and anxieties of pandemic living, coping skills to help balance out our daily lives and ideas on how to connect with our community in this digital social world!
Weekly, through Zoom.
Upcoming Meeting Details:
Monday, April 6th 2:30-3:30
Group Communication tips:
• Thumb/finger system: When someone has a question or comment they will put their thumb up. The next person with who wants to speak will raise their thumb and index finger to show they are second, and so on
• People can use the chat feature of Zoom to write in their questions or discussion topics.
There is NO NEED to sign up for a Zoom account (but you can and it is free). However, YOU DO NEED TO DOWNLOAD THE APP (by smart phone from the play store or app store, or on computer at — We recommend doing this a few minutes early.)