JFCS - Stability & Hope. Now and Always.

Our Mission

To improve the quality of life and self-sufficiency of the Jewish and broader communities throughout the Portland metro area in accordance with Jewish values.

Our Vision

  • The Jewish community knows JFCS as the primary responsive and confidential resource for individuals, children, and families in need of services and/or referrals.
  • JFCS is known for its expertise in supporting and embracing the needs of people impacted by trauma, the challenges of aging or an unexpected crisis, disabilities, or the loss of family or community support.
  • JFCS’ services reflect innovation, anchored with a strong and diverse financial base that allows for a broad range of pay sources, sliding-scale rates, and community supported care.
  • JFCS strives to be inclusive and welcoming of all people, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic background, nationality, ability, or faith.

Our Pillars

We honor and are guided by traditional Jewish values.

TIKKUN OLAM – to make the world a better place
GEMILUT CHASADIM – to act with kindness toward those in need
TZEDAKAH – to act charitably

And other core values…

RESPECT – We treat everyone we serve with dignity and respect and strive to help people achieve self-sufficiency.
COMPASSION – We are sensitive to the cultural backgrounds, situations, and needs of the people we serve.
EXCELLENCE – We are committed to providing excellent programs and services.
ACCOUNTABILITY – We are accountable to our clients and the community for the programs and services provided.
COLLABORATION – We collaborate with others in our community to broaden our reach and effectiveness.

Our Services


Meeting you where you are

Provides compassionate, person-centered, trauma-informed mental health services to adults, children, teens, couples and families facing life’s challenges. Our priority is to provide support based on trust, empathy and understanding to ensure that our clients feel safe, empowered and able to make progress toward their goals.
Assistance for a wide range of concerns, such as: 
    • Mood concerns such as depression
    • Anxiety and panic
    • Grief and loss
    • Managing physical health needs
    • Trauma
    • Relationships and belonging

Click here for more information about Counseling

Holocaust Survivor Services

Surrounding our community with care  

  • Helps Survivors thrive with the utmost degree of dignity, providing:
    • case management
    • light housekeeping
    • social events
    • grocery shopping
    • emergency assistance
  • The only agency in Oregon whose Holocaust Survivor case managers are specially trained to provide dedicated services for greater Portland’s nearly 100 Holocaust Survivors, the youngest of whom is 79
  • Partners with the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Oregon Jewish Community Foundation, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, and Kavod Shef to provide resources and support

Click here for more information about Holocaust Support Services

Community Support Services

Providing stability and hope in tough times

  • Works in conjunction with our other programs to provide referrals to community agencies and organizations

Click here for more information about Community Support Services